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matt mcelhannon is the milkman's son. no, seriously. his dad was a milkman for coble dairies in athens, georgia. his mother was, and is, his mother. she would take matt to visit his dad every morning at one of his stops, and little matt would always receive a carton of chocolate milk as a special treat. that's probably why matt had to lose over 100 pounds later in life but, boy oh boy, that was some good chocolate milk.

matt was the only one in his family to go to college, and when he was accepted to his hometown school, the university of georgia, he knew this was his one chance to make a difference in the world. to advance in the field that he held such a passion for. he was certain the path he chose would have a profound affect on not only his life, but the lives of millions.

so the jack-ass majored in television production. now, because of the crap he's made, more children are reading books, sales of boggle are at an all-time high, and alumni donations are pouring into the grady college at uga, with the hopes that no student like matt mcelhannon will ever graduate with a 3.3 gpa again.

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